Discover the Marketplace for your community!
Shop at local stores and take a look at our affiliated brands’ offers! Every time you purchase on our Marketplace, you earn mobility credits to get around freely and sustainably with GaiaGo and our partners.

We promote sustainable consumption within your community.
We value relationships within the community you live in, and by promoting local economies on our Marketplace we encourage you to discover the neighborhood.

We connect your purchases to your mobility.
We promote the products and services of local shops so that you can spend the credits earned with sustainable mobility. Your purchases have more value!
Visit your local businesses and the offers promoted by affiliated brands. Earn credits to save on your travels!
Local economies
Shop and earn credits to get around sustainably and at low cost with GaiaGo and our mobility partners. From your local pizzeria to the perfumery: discover all the offers promoted by local shops in your neighborhood!

Why GaiaGo?
We encourage you to discover local stores and promote their offers within your community.

Why GaiaGo?
We encourage you to discover local stores and promote their offers within your community.
Purchase on our marketplace and get credits for your mobility. Are you thinking of redecorating your home? Don’t miss the offers of our affiliated brands and start earning credits!
Why GaiaGo?
Special offers for your community: shopping and moving around in a shared and sustainable way has never been this easy.